Are there benefits of sunlight beyond Vitamin D...

sun benefits sun exposure vitamin d Aug 23, 2024

Today: let’s discuss the VAST benefits of sunlight beyond Vitamin D!

First let’s talk about the fact that you can only get vitamin D from the sun for certain parts of the day, and during certain parts of the year. (This is during the UVB window & if you live north of the 37th latitude - you have many months where there is no UVB).

If the benefits of sunlight were only dependent on Vitamin D & UVB - a lot of people would be “screwed” (and I don’t believe nature works that way for one minute!). 😉

So let’s discuss benefits of sunlight in cloudy conditions, rainy conditions, shade, early morning & times where there is no UVB!

Let's dive into the benefits of sunlight beyond Vitamin D:

Cloudy days & benefits:

When it is cloudy & rainy there is still an abundance of infrared! Infrared has many amazing healing properties (you may have heard of red light therapy), but one of them is the impact it has on our cellular water.

Most of the cells in your body are surrounded by water, and when your body is exposed to infrared, the cellular water expands up to four fold giving your body more energy and hydration from the inside! (Read more)  

Rainy days: Insufficient light during the day has been linked to poor sleep, depression, weight gain and chronic disease. (see study). 

Inside your home or office (even with insanely bright LEDs) - it is only about 300 lux, but outside - even on a cloudy rainy day - it can be anywhere from 2,000-10,000 lux!

Instead of a light box that could throw off your circadian rhythm & is not balanced with red/infrared light - go outside under a covered area when it is raining. You only need around 1,000 -2,000 to beat the blues (see study).

In the shade: Did you know your body makes subcellular melatonin in response to near infrared light from the sun?

First - most people don’t know that only 5% of your body’s melatonin is made at night by the pineal gland & the other 95% is made subcellularly by the mitochondria to perform cellular clean-up during the day! (See study) 

Second - you can get near infrared to make subcellular melatonin when sunlight bounces off living green trees/plants. (See study) 

Early morning: In most locations - UVB doesn’t show up until after sunrise & UVA, but being outside during those time windows is absolutely essential for healthy hormones, metabolism, thyroid & sleep!

Sunrise offers an abundance of red and infrared light (similar to the wavelengths in red light therapy panels), which are crucial for reducing inflammation and promoting cellular health and healing.

The morning balance of red to blue light, which artificial lights or panels cannot replicate, activates hormone centers in the brain. This balance helps the body determine how to convert the master steroid hormone, pregnenolone, into cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone.

UVA light stimulates multiple pathways, and you don't need to look directly at the sun for this to happen. The aromatic amino acids in your eyes capture UVA light photons and convert them into essential compounds:

- Tryptophan into serotonin, which later transforms into melatonin for a good night's sleep.

- Tyrosine into dopamine, which promotes natural happiness.

- Tyrosine into norepinephrine, which enhances focus & attention.

Let’s not forget the importance of UVA light for your thyroid! The brain protein POMC, activated by morning UV light, initiates a series of events leading to the production of alpha-MSH. This key player directly impacts thyroid function by regulating TRH and T3 levels, and also helps control appetite. (see article) 

Cardiovascular Benefits: UVA light helps decrease blood pressure while increasing blood flow and heart rate, offering significant benefits for the cardiovascular system.

This effect is likely mediated by UVA-induced release of nitric oxide (NO) from skin stores. (see study) 

As humans we think we know everything when it comes to the human body - nutrition & sunlight.

We assume taking supplements or using light boxes is the fix & for our poor health, but the truth is that most people spend 93% of their day inside & a little outdoor time can pack huge health benefits.

I hope my writing this morning has given you some food for thought & also helps motivate you to spend some time outside today!

If you want more in depth information like this: The Leptin Master Plan has over 200 studies (and how to practically apply them) on how light impacts every aspect of metabolism- mood & overall health!

Stay tuned for more articles like this & make sure my emails are whitelisted in your inbox! (Subscribe if you are reading this elsewhere or a friend has forwarded you this email!)

In health,


PS: did you miss these videos I released this week?

 Losing Weight and Healing Your Relationship with Food: The Surprising Truth No One Tells You! 

 How to Talk to your Family about Quantum Health Strategies Without Sounding like a Lunatic 


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