See what our clients have accomplished

21 Day Leptin Reset

"I wanted to share a big success with you on my part! Because of your leptin reset I have now successfully lost almost 20 pounds. It is rapidly coming off now! I realized that just being on the carnivore diet wasn't enough & I had to make some necessary tweaks per your program to get the scale moving in the right direction. I am so excited and feeling so good! Thank you! "
- Maria, 21 Day Leptin Reset Student

"I really loved the 21 day Leptin reset course. I enjoyed it so much I am signed up for your new Quantum Nutrition course. It has changed my life around. I am now up everyday with the sun. I fall asleep so much faster. I used to lay awake for 1-2 hours in bed at night, now I fall asleep within minutes. It was convinient that the lessons were short but very informative. It was just the right amount of info and there was always the option of reviewing the journals you posted following the lesson. I am doing my checklist daily and have even started playing with the cold plunges a little. I have had appetite correction and am often not that hungry all the time. I have also even let go of a lot of the macro counting and weighing myself that I was obsessive about. I have let a lot of that go because I really feel I am going in the right direction and don't want to be strapped down to a scale."
- Larysa, 21 Day Leptin Reset Student

"Dear Sarah, Thank you for the 21 Leptin Reset Course. I have learned so much by attending, and it has been a paradigm shift! I gained knowledge about our circadian rhythm and its critical role in our hormonal health and wellbeing. I was able to establish new habits to help me reset my leptin and heal my hormone disfunction. My energy has improved, and continues to get better as I implement these strategies daily. And, my body is giving me clear hunger and satiety signals. Your wealth of knowledge and first hand experience, give me confidence in the process, even when I feel I’m not progressing. I have appreciated your dedication to each member’s process, and your commitment to our success. Your journey has been an inspiration, and gives me certainty that I too, will achieve results with the new daily routines I have established. Thank you!"
- Caitlin, 21 Day Leptin Reset Student

"It definitely has helped me make some mental improvements for sure. I did not weigh myself or track food during this. My wins came from not binging, eating anything sweetened or drinking coffee. I am going to keep moving forward with this protocol because I honestly enjoy it. I enjoy getting up and seeing sunrise everyday, I enjoy grounding and walking. I also don't mind eating in the morning. I will keep this up going forward and start doing cold therapy in the morning as well before I go workout."
- Jeremy, 21 Day Leptin Reset Student

"Wins: I Have way more energy I'm not hungry right after I eat I'm down to 3 meals a day rather than 5 When I get hungry I'm not noticing that extreme blood sugar dip I'm on a healthier sleep schedule This has been a wonderful kick forward on my health journey. I am excited to keep learning and growing and I'm even more hopeful that my body can heal! Thank you Sarah for your guidance and clear dissemination of info. I really appreciate the small doses!"
- Dorie, 21 Day Leptin Reset Student

"This is the best course for my health I have ever taken! I was already doing so many things by just following Sarah online, and thought, "do I really need to do the course?" OMG I'm so glad I did! The information Sarah gives in the course and the knowledge behind all of it is priceless! I wasn't doing sunrise the way I should have been, and now my routine has changed in a way that I feel so much better! Thank you so much Sarah - you are the best!"
- Jodi, 21 Day Leptin Reset Student

"I have always felt like the outlier, because I have issues gaining weight & low leptin levels. I feel my best and my inflammation & energy stays regulated on a low carb diet, so I did not want to start a high carb diet to gain weight and run the risk of losing those benefits. This program was immensely helpful to me because it helped me regain hunger signals that I felt had been missing for years. My energy is through the roof & I wake up feeling energized and happy! What I learned in this course has been ridiculously valuable in helping me regain my satiety signals, but also has helped my health (mood - sleep - energy) as a whole! Thank you!"
- Laura, 21 Day Leptin Reset Student

"After years of keto & carnivore - and feeling like "the outlier" when it came to success and weight loss, this program was truly a God-send for me! The program is simple - yet so profound, and I learned so many fascinating things that were easy to apply in my daily life for big shifts and changes! I finally feel like I can rely on my hunger signals again & have started losing weight without being tied to calorie counting or hours of exercise. If you are struggling to understand why your body isn't responding to diet and exercise, hungry more often than you should be (and frustrated) - this program is for you!"
- Jane, 21 Day Leptin Reset Student

"My REM sleep has returned with avengeance thanks to the 21 Day Reset! I can't believe the dreams I'm having! WHOA! Thanks to the application of your program, I'm sleeping so much better & the wisdom in this program is absolutely changing my life! "
- Anthony Cina

"After years of keto & carnivore - and feeling like "the outlier" when it came to success and weight loss, this program was truly a God-send for me! The program is simple - yet so profound, and I learned so many fascinating things that were easy to apply in my daily life for big shifts and changes! I finally feel like I can rely on my hunger signals again & have started losing weight without being tied to calorie counting or hours of exercise. If you are struggling to understand why your body isn't responding to diet and exercise, hungry more often than you should be (and frustrated) - this program is for you!"
- Jane, 21 Day Leptin Reset Student

"The 21 day leptin challene was so invigorating and supportive, helping me to stay on track with the circadian lifestyle I am cultivating. Delivered daily in small actionable pieces, the added bonus of the live calls was incredible helpful. I got to ask Sarah all of my burning questions. Her humor, generosity of sprit and knowledge make her the most wonderful guide. She genuinely cares about her community and its deeply felt when working with her in the group setting. 10 out of 10 recommend. "
- Victoria, 21 Day Leptin Reset Student
Quantum Nutrition

"After years of keto & carnivore - and feeling like “the outlier” when it comes to success and weight loss, this program was truly a God-sent for me! The program is simple - yet so profound, and I learned so many fascinating things that were easy to apply in my daily life for big shifts and changes! I finally feel like I can rely on my hunger signals again and have started losing weight without being tied to calorie counting or hours of exercise. If you are struggling to understand why your body isn’t responding to diet and exercise, hungry more often than you should be (and frustrated) - this program is for you!"

"I was a little hesitant to purchase your nutrition course, because I have literally tried EVERYTHING (vegan, medical medium, keto, carnivore, fasting, etc.) and noting has been sustainable. I bought your Quantum Nutrition program the day you released it & I have enjoyed everything minute of it! I am finally down 15 pounds and it was so easy (and I am 47 with a STUBBORN metabolism). This program is easy to follow & like nothing else out there. Makes so much sense. Thank you!"

"I LOVED all of the quantum information, your willingness to cover all ranges of topics during the community calls, and the way you provided extra videos each week to go deeper on certain topics!"
Quantum Fertility

"This course was amazing! I was struggling with unexplained infertility for years and felt like I had tried everything. After my last failed IVF transfer, my YouTube algorithm popped up with Carrie and Sarah's video about hormones and mosquitos. I watched it and was amazed by all the concepts that I had never considered factors in health or fertility. I started their course in August 2022 and implemented all the quantum suggestions right away. Morning sunlight, leptin reset, cold plunges, red light, C60, structured water, harmonizing NNEMF, blue blockers at night, grounding, and so much more. Ihad a second embryo transfer on September 30, 2022 and found out on October 12, 2022 that I was successfully pregnant for the first time in my life. This course gave me so much hope not just for conceiving but for my long-term health moving forward. I would love to be able to have one more child if I am lucky and I feel like, with this information, I will not have to go back to IVF. I honestly believe the next one will be natural, even at the age of 39/40. Thank you Carrie and Sarah for sharing this amazing information and your own wonderful stories on healing and health!!! My husband (45) and I (38) are amazed every day that we are finally getting the family we have been dreaming of for so long!!!!"

"This course has taught me so much! My sleep has improved, and I can literally feel changes happening in my body. I think implementing all of the things I learned will not only help me with fertility but also with some gut issues that I have been struggling with."

"What I find really great and valuable is that there is the possibility for a follow up in the subsequent courses. There was nothing I did not like at all. I found the chapter on mindset for fertility very valuable."

"I found you Feb 2023 when I was in a very dark place experiencing yet another miscarriage. I took your April fertility class with Carrie and followed all the directions - full body cold plunges, vivarays glasses, grounding shoes, sunrise/uva/uvb, d minder to track vit d, (i'm super fair blonde hair/blue eyes and got the greatest tan without burning!), quinton, breakfast at sunrise, new iphone settings, wifi off, no phones in bedroom, red light therapy, switched out light bulbs. Not only did I feel better than I ever have!! (tons of energy and no anxiety) but I think I really improved my overall health.
Prior to this I had done IVF: 4 egg retrievals and 3 failed transfers at a local clinic. I did another egg retrieval in late June after implementing all of these quantum principles and got 16 eggs!! Everything worked out and I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant with a baby boy! I feel like I never would have had the opportunity to fulfill my dream of becoming a mother if it weren't for you!
Prior to this I had done IVF: 4 egg retrievals and 3 failed transfers at a local clinic. I did another egg retrieval in late June after implementing all of these quantum principles and got 16 eggs!! Everything worked out and I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant with a baby boy! I feel like I never would have had the opportunity to fulfill my dream of becoming a mother if it weren't for you!
Please know you changed my life and I'm beyond thankful. In just a few weeks I will be able to hold the baby I have been dreaming of and praying for for over 10 years! Thank you both from the bottom of my heart!! Words can not express how thankful I am to have found you online!!
- Carolyn
The Leptin Master Plan

"I continue to be amazed at how good my sleep has gotten since I impulsively signed up for the leptin reset back in December. How did almost 6 months fly by like that? I had suffered from insomnia especially badly since the 3rd year of my doctoral program, waking up at 12-3am, unable to get back to sleep...I also suffered from fatigue that would make me nap hours away on my couch and procrastinate on my assignments for school... Now I've miraculously made it to the week before graduating with my doctorate in clinical psychology. I'm sleeping a very solid 8 hours and don't need to call out for insomnia every other week like I previously had. I fall asleep within a few minutes and if I wake up in the middle of the night, it's a quick trip to the bathroom and then I fall back asleep quickly. I'm no zero medications. The current paradigm is broken. Now when a patient is referred to me for psychotherapy for anxiety, depression, or insomnia, the first thing I look at is their sleep and light environment."

"Sarah, I want to give you the highest praise for connecting some very important dots for me- both personally and professionally. I am a Pharm D that owns a compounding pharmacy, specializing in functional medicine and treating many patients with HRT, autoimmune disease, chronic pain, and long covid. My personal journey began a few years ago when I felt overwhelming fatigue and could NOT lose weight no matter what plan I followed. I blamed it on being premenopausal. To be fair, I had a lifetime of following fad diets, extreme exercise, working 20 hours days (including overnight), and living on coffee and adrenaline. I wasn't too surprised when my body crashed. July 2021 I had a very mild case of Covid and it was the straw that broke the camel's back. I went into menopause over night...I initially thought, I got this- this is what I do for a living but after 6 months of perfect compliance with HRT, oodles of supplements, and a strict diet...not one symptom improved. I thought about two things. First, I can not live like this for the rest of my life! My second thought was, OMG.- is this how most of my patients feel and they just don't say anything? While I had some patients that HRT didn't help, this made me wonder if it was far more common than I knew. So I started to research frequency medicine and mitochondrial health, which led me to you. I can tell you that you were the biggest piece of the puzzle to correcting my energy and metabolism! Thank you, Thank you! Ironically, I get several calls a day looking for Semaglutide which has many side effects (including thyroid cancer)and is ridiculously expensive. This has moved me to share your knowledge and tools to as many of my patients as possible to help them manage menopause, autoimmune disease, and weight management."
- Stephani
Circadian Health

"Thank you for creating your course Circadian Health for the Busy Person. I live where the days range from 15 hours and 44 minutes (5:24 AM - 9:07 PM) to 8 hours and 40 minutes (7:52 AM - 4:32 PM). To say the least, trying to figure out how to manage a good Circadian rhythm while having a set time to be at work, and trying to consider such swings in sunlight was challenging. Your wonderful sections on office workers and northern latitudes explained how to mitigate my challenges. So now, armed with a red light panel and some blue blockers, I’m ready for the short days of winter. One of the best things about this course is that you make the information incredibly easy to understand. You provide easy to implement steps that are free or very affordable. I appreciate you and all the free content you provide in addition to your courses (that are so worth the money)."