My Healing Journey

Health has been a consistent struggle for me throughout my life.

Healing Journey 1

I’ve experienced adrenal fatigue, anxiety, bloating, depression, eczema, fertility issues, food addictions, gas, IBS, inflammation, ovarian cysts, PCOS, PMS, weight gain, and more. Not to mention, my sleep cycle was an inconsistent nightmare. I’ve been on and off prescription depression, anxiety, and sleep medications since I was fourteen years old, and I used to be over 100 pounds heavier than I am now. In a one year period, I cashed out copious amounts of money from our retirement plan to pay for doctor’s visits, testing, blood work, and supplements . . . and saw no real improvements. I lost trust in standard allopathic medicine, as well as most functional medicine. In the last 10 years, I experimented with veganism, vegetarian diets, ketogenic diets, carnivore diets - you name it, I’ve probably tried it. At times it felt like strict diet control was helping: I lost 100 pounds (and then regained it, lost it again, regained it, and finally have lost it for good) but still felt like I was constantly fighting my body. I was exhausted - physically, mentally, and emotionally. And not to mention, constantly hungry.

No matter how hard I worked, how much I obsessed over diet and exercise, and how strictly I followed the orders of doctors and numerous health coaches, I couldn’t gain control over my physical health.

At the end of 2020, I hit a wall…

I was sick of being in a constant struggle for my health, and tired of spending thousands upon thousands of dollars with no solutions.

I suffered two miscarriages and knew my body was still out of control, but didn’t know where to turn.

Thankfully, at this time I was introduced to Quantum Biology & Circadian Biology - and met several doctors like Dr. Gerald Pollack, Dr. Catherine Clinton and Dr. Jay Montgomery who introduced me to these life changing concepts that would ultimately transform my health and thousands of others.

Overall, my mitochondrial health was suffering. I learned that my circadian rhythm was completely off, driven by a combination of a hormone imbalance and the amount of time I spent indoors in front of screens.

Leptin, along with cortisol and melatonin, is a master signaling hormone. I was leptin resistant, which, in turn, affected all downstream hormones including my immune system, thyroid, and sex hormones. Leptin resistance is a precursor to insulin resistance, so when I went to doctors in the past, they told me my insulin hormone levels were fine, overlooking leptin as a concern.

It is vital for leptin to dock to the hypothalamus while you sleep so that your energy output and appetite the next day are appropriate. My leptin resistance inhibited this from happening, resulting in problems with satiety, energy, and digestion.

Leptin was my lightbulb; this imbalance finally tied together what felt like my “broken metabolism.” This one hormone had the ability to dysregulate my entire system, and finally this knowledge was the first step on the pathway out of my struggles.

Knowledge is power, and understanding my own leptin resistance was the first key to getting my health on track.

I started paying attention to my circadian rhythm and regulating my master signaling hormones (leptin, cortisol, and melatonin); my health issues began to vanish.

I adjusted my diet and lifestyle in ways that connected me to my ancestral health, which felt authentic to my body and how it best functions naturally. I Incorporated mindfulness and self-care into my daily routine, prioritizing it as I do my diet and exercise. Gone are the crash diets and exercise obsessions.

When I started to see the optimal health that was available for me, I wanted to learn as much as possible, diving into quantum and circadian biology.

The science-backed data empowered me to set up my lifestyle and nutrition to best support my body.

Now I feel the best I’ve ever felt in my life! Implementing Quantum Biology and Circadian Biology has transformed my health:

  1. I sleep soundly and wake up energized.
  2. I have a reliable appetite throughout the day.
  3. I conceived naturally at age 42.
  4. At age 43, I gave birth to a happy and healthy son named James.
  5. I’m taking no regular medications.
  6. I’ve been off of antidepressants for over ten years.
  7. At age 45 I am leaner than I was in high school without extreme dieting

I am a Board Certified in Applied Quantum Biology by the American Naturopathic Medical Board, a Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC) from the National Academy of Sports Medicine, have the Applied Quantum Biology Certifications (Levels 1 and 2) from Quantum Biology Collective, and have completed Dr. Tom Cowan’s New Biology Curriculum.

My quest for knowledge is ongoing, so I’m regularly taking courses in quantum and circadian biology from the top specialists in these fields.

Healing Journey 2
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